You may think that applying toners, serums, creams and masks are still not enough to hydrate skin. The key to truly moisture skin is from inside out. “You are what you eat.” Let’s add the food below to your daily menu to get a health and hydrated skin.
Speaking of hydrating skin, water should be number one source of hydration. It is the main parts of nutrients to maintain our body functions and skin health. Drink it before breakfast and at least 8 glasses of water a day to moisture your skin from inside out.

Avocados are considered as a superfood that it contains a lot of vitamins C, E, mineral, fiber and protein. It can also help moisture your skin and make your skin get glowing. Definitely hydrating your skin from inside out.

Spinach contains of vitamins, phytochemicals and folates which can help moisture and protect your skin.

Salmon is rich in essential fatty acids, i.e. omega-3 fatty acids, which improve the barrier function of our skin, reduce sensitivity, inflammation and dry skin. it plays an important role in increasing smoothness and hydration.

Oranges are filled with water content that could hydrate skin greatly. What is more, it also holds full of vitamin C that protect your skin cells from radical damage.

The function of tomatoes is similar to oranges that vitamin C can help protect the skin. It can also help speed wound healing.

Beans like peanuts, soybeans and lentils, contain biotin, which regarded as vitamin B that benefit in forming healthy skin, hair and nails. It is an important component to create a healthy appearance and defences to external environment.

It is considered as one of the best vegetable not only for skin but health. Cucumber contains 95% of water content that can hydrate your skin and prevent acne. It also has zero fat that healthy to eat and lose weight.