As we unfold to a new chapter, a new beginning is always full of anticipation to get your new year kickstart on a high note. Check out our 27 reasons to make your 2021 magnificent!
- 21 is magical. This number is a lucky number, and we are now in the 21st year in the 21st century so make your dreams big!
- Forget 2020, the vaccine is here! So that is what we are reading about, the good and bad. But for every sickness, a vaccine is very much needed. So, hurray to our scientists!
- Olympic games are back. This coming summer, we will all be united as we get our adrenalines high cheering for all athletes! Will we finally secure our first gold medal??
- 007 saga continue. Did you know, this coming April the James Bond new movie is releasing. Plus, many other most awaited Hollywood screams too!
- Hello 5G! The service is expected to be launch worldwide this year with more than 30 countries to offering this…. including Malaysia ya’ll!
- The Metal Ox. The upcoming Lunar New Year celebration promises career advancement and success in business. Save the date!
- Marie Kondo. Remember her and those magical insights of clearing space? Why not pick it up, clear all you can and donate them to those in need.
- Gratitude. If you survived 2020 and learnt it the hard way, 2021 will be a breeze. Count your blessings.
- Make-up DIYs and tutorials. Pretty much one of the skills you may have harness during the lockdown, so why not flaunt in and check out the exclusive brands of cosmetics at Watsons? 😊
- The ‘H’ Factor. We pretty much learnt that our health stability is crucial and our hygiene a priority.
- Your caring becomes more for those you care. You are more sensitive and sensible to think apart from yourself, that there are more who are in need that you can give a helping hand.
- We are now the frontliners. The medical practitioners were once fighting it for us, now we are part of the front line to fight the battle.
- It is okay not to be okay. There is no perfection in this world and a slight hind of imperfection is perfectly fine. So relax relax sikit lah bro, and don’t over stress.
- Skillsets to the fore front. In the world of lockdown, we were all probably learning new tricks and drills and even skillsets. Start harnessing them, you never know this year is a game changer for you!
- Support LOKAL! It is time for us to relive the economy of our country and by doing so, do good and feel great by supporting local businesses and products.
- Shopping conveniently. With only 24 hours in a day, you may not have all the time in the world to do all you want. Shopping is now made convenient from your fingertip. This include downloading Watsons mobile app on your phone to get extra rewards!
- The Dalgona Fever. Remember the time when the whole world going cray cray over Dalgona coffee? Well take the 12 months to appreciate the food and drinks you have on the table and eat healthily please.
- All lives matter. Yes, you and me and everyone around us matter. So, stop patrionizing and start giving the same love even to your neighbours. A simple smile and gesture would make your day.
- Kaw Kaw. Giving it all you have in all you do to achieve the best result. On another hand, you can look out to the amazing Kaw Kaw Deals every weekend. Sometimes, saving a Ringgit makes a whole lot difference!
- 2 become 1. We are going to expect a lot of engagements and weddings to take place this time around, which means creating lasting memories! (BTW, congrats to Ayda Jebat and hubby for tying the knot recently 😊)
- Yellow and grey, colour of the year. It was picked that cheerful yellow and ultimate gray sending the message of hope supported by fortitude. In another words, to give us hope.
- It’s a bird, oh no it’s a plane! Foreseeing that travelling will resume later of the year, it is a cause to give the aviation industry to cheer (and us travelers to get our luggage ready!)
- Abbreviations. The likes of ASAP, RSVP or ETA were familiar. Then the millennials came with their BTW, FOMO and BAE. This year, you will be learning a lot more to add to your dictionary. (This includes MCO, RMCO, CMCO and bla bla bla)
- Face Mask the Fashionable Way. It is part of the new norm, so why not add some fashionable way and coordinate the outfit. Totally win the look for 2021!
- Savings and budgeting. No harm of planning the year ahead with proper budgeting. Taking smart advantage of what to save on and when to splurge.
- Persistent! For you to read up until 26, means you are full of adrenaline and have the burning energy to go further. So, keep it up!
- And yes, Watsons is celebrating its 27th anniversary and giving away 27 iPhone 12 Pro with total prizes worth RM150,000!
So, are you ready in it to win these prizes with Watsons?

To commemorate the 27th anniversary celebration, Watsons is inviting its members and customers to Wave & Win with MyDebit ATM Card until 18 January. All you got to do is just simply spend RM50 in any Watson store nationwide (over 500 to choose from) in a single receipt and submit your entry!

Watsons is giving away X27 iPhone 12 Pro for three consecutive weeks where 9 lucky winners are announced every week on Watsons Facebook page! Who would not want to miss the boat of having a chance to win the latest Apple phone for this new year right?

Watsons is also giving away X39 first prize of RM200 Watsons points that you can aim to win. And if that is not enticing enough, you may want to follow Watsons on Facebook page as X27 prizes are given out daily totaling RM38,000 up for grabs! Watsons is also giving away more rewards and promotions throughout the celebration period. Watsons member, you are in a for better times as this month you get to enjoy members only deals with extra 30% OFF for more than 200 products available at the store and Online.
Simply magnificent right? Signing off for this week and happy shopping ya’ll! Keep in mind that you just never know your entry could be one of the lucky ones.