With this hot dry season, all we want to do is just – nothing! Even physical activities requires so much energy from us eventually drains out our capacity to push further. Did you know that between 2000 and 2016, the number of people exposed to heatwaves increased by around 125 million (Source: WHO). Okay, that is a figure. But at this point, are you certain that your body consumed plenty of fluid to stay hydrated?
It is not just the heat that leads you to dehydration, but other factors such as excessive exercise, workaholic (forgotten the 8 cups a day rule!) or even leisure consumption of alcohol beverages, and more so to say, when we travel sometimes, we tend to forget to even drink. Oh, not to forget when we drive, get stuck in the traffic jam – and our mind tells us that “come on, don’t drink now or else you can’t find any toilet whilst getting stuck in the traffic jam”, sound too familiar innit?
Introducing you the miracle of ORS drink
Where science meets taste, LINGTEA! This Oral Rehydration Solution was founded by three special force medics in May, 2017. They witnessed several soldiers faint during trainings in the scorching heat and over 75% of the population globally suffers from chronic dehydration. The very first of LINGTEA was invented in order to diminish dehydration efficiently during hard training in the military. The optimal absorption mechanism has been implemented with the properties most similar to body fluids and it was launched on the market according to the needs of the general public. It was developed based on the optimal ratio of ingredients that is identical to the body water.
In other words, ORS is basically a therapy or a treatment for dehydration. It involves drinking a beverage made of water, sugar, and electrolytes, specifically potassium and sodium. ORS can help to replenish electrolyte imbalance due to mild to moderate dehydration because plain water doesn’t contain many electrolytes. ORS shows at least 90% of the same effect in replenishing blood volume, and as blood volume is replenished, it can help you recover from chronic dehydration, hangover, orthostatic dizziness, hypotension, diarrhea, and enteritis. How awesome is that!

This comes in two flavors – Lemon and Peach Flavor. Cute small little handy packets, designed to be mixed with 250ml water. With the Fresh Lemon Flavor for you to re-energize and the Sweet Peach Flavor helps your body to replenish the lost of fluids in your body. It has all the healthy ingredients such as Vitamin C, Vitamin B1 Hydrochloride, Vitamin B6 Hydrochloride, Calcium Pantothenate, taurine.
There is no sign of when will this heatwave ends, because as it was mentioned by Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change Minister Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad, Haze will follow up in June to September which resulting a drier conditions and hot weather will prolong. Not cool ☹ Looking at the bright side, LINGTEA will help you to make your day WATER-FULL! By just adding 1 stick of Lingtea into your daily routine and that helps by hydrating 2x faster than water alone. LingTea promo is starting tomorrow with 40% off from the original price, and this promo ends on 30th June 2023. So stock up now your LingTea darling and if you want to know more on information and how to purchase online, you may click here.