If you can be happy and healthy by just moving your body to the groove of the music, and sweat it out, what else can you ask for to get a high dosage of endorphins for free? Alberto “Beto” Perez founded that “People started to smile. People [were] happy. People sweating,” was the best thing he had started in his life, the man who founded Rumba then and now is called Zumba back in 2001.
Sooo… a bit of flashback before Covid, remembered we had so much fun during the beach Watsons Zumba party in 2016 and broke the Malaysia Book of Record for having the largest Zumba gathering ever, it was so much excitement and guess what?? We are back to hype it up!!
Activating the Get Active Fest with Zumba again happening on 15th October 2022 from 5pm to 11pm at Surf Beach, Sunway Lagoon!
We can’t be sure if Harry Styles hits will be in the playlist for Zumba but after grooving along with our Zumba trainer, perhaps ada la sikit like Olivia Wilde later kan? Now, come one #KakiWatsons, where you at? If you had signed up as early bird, no worries, the later bird comes in flocks and are cool too! From 1st August until 18th September, every individual can sign up with a price of RM49 and kalau groupie of 5 lagi better, the price is RM220!!! 😱
What do you get?

Well, signing up is one but you will also get a T-shirt for the day, water bottle to not make you pengsan dancing, and a drawstring bag where you can keep all your mobile phones, wallet, makin’ sure that it is all safe and close to you. Best part, ada vouchers included!! Yes, we said it!! RM10 OFF Watsons Brand voucher and EXTRA 20% OFF Sports Direct Voucher inclusive of this sign up. Tell us, what else are you looking for? You’ve got nothing to lose, just gaining a healthier lifestyle ala-ala kak Jennifer Lopez kita. Did you know that at least an hour of Zumba, the amount of calories burn can be totalled up to 300 – 900 calories! And best part, no equipment needed, of course you’ve got to have a pair of shoes to dance on that day 😉 and it is open for even families or relatives who wants to join the party, after all, it’s all about working out together no? 😊
What is more on this day?
By the way, this is just not for Zumba and that’s about it. On the event day itself, there are health and beauty bazaar and booths to get your health checked! At Watsons, we just want to optimize a healthier lifestyle and bring the glow out in you. Come and get your tickets now while stocks last!