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One of the most important elements to keep your day going is to have a momentous energy level and this can only be done if you maintain or increase your energy level.

Daily one would have to go through strenuous activities be it physical or mental and with a lower energy metabolism, plus with age factor coming in this would result in decline in energy level.

To keep it up to be healthy and have the momentum of daily energy you need, we are sharing with you some health tips to get you checked:

Eat well-balanced meal to provide your body with energy and nutrients.
  1. Eat Healthily – healthy eating means eating a variety of foods that give you the nutrients you need to maintain your health, feel good, and have energy. These nutrients include protein, carbohydrates, fat, water, vitamins, and minerals. Nutrition is important for everyone. Consume a well-balanced diet which has proper nutrition in your daily servings to reach a consistent energy level. For adults, a healthy diet includes at least 400g or 5 portions of fruits and vegetables per day.
Water is essential to keep your bodily functions work properly.
  1. Water, water, water – this probably is one of the most known tips which is drinking plenty of water as dehydration can slow down your metabolism and leads to fatigue because it impacts the flow of oxygen to the brain and causes your heart to work harder to pump oxygen to all your bodily organs, making you more tired and less alert. By staying hydrated you stay energized. Recommended are 3 litres a day approximately between 6-8 glasses of water!
Regular exercises keep the body healthy and active.
  1. Exercise and sweat – your body and mind need to be active and by doing exercise or even cardio would be moderate for your mental needs. Keeping aside between 13-25 minutes daily would do justice. Check out our recommended stretching and exercise link here:
Clear and positive mind helps you to focus and stay productive.
  1. A clear state of mind – when your mind is less strain due to stress it would project clarity with productivity, focus and energy. The best way is to meditate or have some soulful music and close your eyes to release the doubtful energy out from your mind
Get enough rest and sleep as your body will need time to recharge.
  1. Well rested and sleep – the body and mind has clocked its day and so it needs a rest time too. Think of recharging like a battery and stick to a sleeping schedule for at least 7-8 hours daily. And to have more quality rests, create a restful environment to sleep and don’t go to bed feeling hungry or stuffed.
  1. Supplements to boost immunity – undeniable your body will need boosting for its immune system and with vitamins like B1, B2, B6 and B12 it is vital to improve physical stamina and reduce fatigue.

Boost up for more energy at Watsons!

At Watsons, you won’t miss out on many products that can help you in this segment. Here are our 3 watchouts you can look upon when visiting the store or Online:

Watsons Vitamin B Complex is an all-rounder which could improve physical stamina, reduce fatigue, and maintain a general health well-being. CLICK HERE

The Proviton Plus CoQ10 supplement contains multivitamin and minerals added with highly concentrated Ginseng extract and Coenzyme Q10 for your daily health maintenance. CLICK HERE

Centrum Energy B Vitamins & Minerals is best to support your daily energy needs which includes B-vitamins and iron while the antioxidants such as vitamins A and C as well as the minerals iron, selenium and zinc to support the immune system. CLICK HERE

Give some love to your body in return for a healthier and an energetic life as a healthy body comes a healthy life!


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