Preserve Your Vision
Good eye health and eye care are crucial to protect the eyesight, and prevent common eye disorders. Anyone can develop sight problems, but some people have a higher risk of eye disease. Children do not usually complain about their sight, but may show signs of not being able to see properly. Good nutrition from a healthy diet play a role in eye health an visual acuity. They can help prevent cataracts, clouding of your eye lens, and may also fight the most-likely cause of vision loss when older. Are You One Of Them?
• Children & teenage• Adults over 60 ages• Office worker with intense computer use• Have family history with eye disease• Smokers These Nutrients are Good for Eye Health
• Vitamin A, B, C, E • Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Zinc• Bilberry, eyebright, marigold, gojiberry, • Omega-3 fish oil• Eye multivitamins