Why does healthy bones matter? Well, our bones practically support and allow us to move, they protect our internal organs like brain, heart and any other organs from injury. And did you know that our bones store minerals too such as calcium and phosphorus where it keeps our bones strong and releases them into the body when it is needed.
And the most common and revealing issue to unhealthy bones is osteoporosis, meaning the condition of bones becomes thinner and fragile which exposes you to greater risk for sudden and unexpected bone fractures. In another word, it also means that you have less bone mass and strength.
So we want you to keep your bones healthy and checked, but how do you go about that? Here are 4 simple tips for you to consider and watch out for.
- The magic C-word for your bones is calcium.

You are recommended to consume good sources where calcium is produced like dairy products, almonds, broccoli, kale and even soy products like tofu. For an adult, the recommended dietary of calcium for someone aged between 19 t0 50 is at least 1,000 mg of calcium a day while for the fairer sex 1,200 mg a day is recommended especially if you are above 50.
- Get some sunlight to boost your vitamin D.

Did you know that sunlight contributes to your body’s production of vitamin D? and to absorb calcium your body will need vitamin D where the best sources of vitamin D are usually from oily fish like salmon and fortified foods. Mushrooms and eggs are also recommended where for an adult between 19 to 70, it is recommended to consume at least 15 international units (IUs) a day.
Nothing can go wrong with Watsons Calcium 360mg + Vitamin D3 which has calcium and cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) enough to boost your system needs on a daily basis.
- Exercising is key in your daily routine.

To make your bones stronger and dense, a regular exercise habit is key in your daily routine. Activities like jogging and hiking which have weight bearing exercises would give the joints between your bones some protection while increasing your body’s coordination, balance and flexibility.
As we know exercise is key, we recommend your eating behaviour to be healthier too and one of the most recommended by health professionals are chia seeds which contain large amounts of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, plenty of high quality protein, and several essential minerals and antioxidants.
- Avoid substance abuse.

This may be harsh but we ought to know smoking is not just good for your heart and internal organs and it also affects the growth of healthier bones. Alcoholic drinks if consumed moderately is fine but an excess of this would also impact on the growth and prone to osteoporosis and bone fracture.
Not everything is to be avoided, as there are those who are super beneficial to the growth of healthier bones. Raw almonds contain healthy fats, fiber, protein, magnesium and vitamin E. And the health benefits of almonds include lower blood sugar levels, reduced blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels. They can also reduce hunger and promote weight loss.
Try to incorporate these recommended products into your diet!
As we commemorate this article with the World Osteoporosis Day, we hope you would have a better understanding of how your lifestyle and diet can affect your bone health – as the saying goes, nothing is too late to start today for healthier bones!