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If you’re loving the 12-Week Fitness Challenge as much as we are, you’re gonna be sad to learn this is the third and final instalment of the series *insert crying emojis*. We hope you’re feeling fitter, healthier and suitably pumped to start with Month 3’s exercises. You need to try to complete the full fitness challenge at least once a week, but do more if you can.

Month 3

High knees

If you wanna get your glutes pumpin’ and your quads workin’, don’t skip this one. Keep up the pace to train your hip flexors and get your heart rate up.

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Everyone’s favourite! JK – we all know how tough burpees are, but they’re a great way to improve your all-over body strength. After all, no pain, no gain!

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Plank with elbow lift

The world went cray for the plank exercise and it’s easy to see why – abs, anyone? If you’re used to planking, throw in another element to make it tougher, like these elbow lifts.

TOP TIP: Stay as straight as possible and try not to rock your hips.

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Oblique twist

This move will help strengthen your lower back and core, and if you do it persistently, it can also help posture. Switch sides after 15 seconds for an even workout.

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Triceps dips

This is a real upper-body blaster and will work your triceps in ways that push-ups and bench presses won’t. It’ll also improve mobility – win, win!

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Reps and sets

Spend 30 seconds on each of these workouts and take a 30-second break between each move. This will give you a 5-minute set. Grab some water, get your breath back and repeat that set twice more with another break in between. And there you have it – you’ve got yourself a 15-minute HIIT workout!

Track your progress in any way you like. Keep a note of the number of moves you can do in 60 seconds so you can see if your stats increase. Record yourself and track the improvement in your form and strength. And whichever way you choose, make sure you share your transformations with us on Insta by tagging #12weekchallenge. Good luck!


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