VapoRub Range

Inhaler Range

Baby Balsam

VapoDrops Range

Vicks VapoRub was inspired and created by our founder’s love and concern for his sick son. Over 125 years later, our family of brands create products with each person of your family in mind.
Vicks has always been a family of brands for your entire family. Originally named “Vicks Family Remedies” our most sought after product was Croup & Pneumonia Salve. Later named VapoRub, it was created by Lunsford Richardson out of love and concern for his sick son.
Lunsford combined special ingredients into a salve that when heated by the body would release soothing vapors.
The boy soon recovered.
Vicks expanded the product to help other families provide relief for their loved ones. Years later, the very boy who inspired the salve would change its name to Vicks VapoRub and sell it in the familiar blue jar.
Vicks continues to be inspired to create products that allow families and friends to care for one another. Our family of brands create products with each person of your family in mind.